Scroll to reveal the navbar or hover to reveal the navbar content
Create utils.ts file in the libs folder and paste the following code:
import { type ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx"; import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge"; export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) { return twMerge(clsx(inputs)); }
It will create a new file reveal.tsx inside the components/navbars/reveal.tsx directory.
mkdir -p components/navbar && touch components/navbar/reveal.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
"use client"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; import { motion, useMotionValueEvent, useScroll, useTransform, useMotionValue, AnimatePresence, } from "framer-motion"; import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; const Reveal = () => { const [isHidden, setIsHidden] = useState(false); const [height, setHeight] = useState(0); const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false); const { scrollY } = useScroll(); const lastYRef = useRef(0); const navbarWidth = useMotionValue(65); const routesOpacity = useTransform(navbarWidth, [65, 500], [0, 1]); useEffect(() => { setMounted(true); }, []); useMotionValueEvent(scrollY, "change", (y) => { const difference = y - lastYRef.current; if (difference > 50) { setIsHidden(false); } else { setIsHidden(true); } setHeight(difference); }); const firstNavVariants = { hidden: { width: 65, background: "transparent", }, vissible: { width: 500, background: "rgb(0,0,0,0.5)", }, }; const routes = ["Home", "About", "Pricing", "FAQ"]; if (!mounted) return <div>Loading...</div>; return ( <div className="h-full w-full center"> <motion.nav animate={height > 50 && !isHidden ? "vissible" : "hidden"} whileHover="vissible" initial="hidden" exit="hidden" onFocusCapture={() => setIsHidden(false)} variants={firstNavVariants} transition={{ duration: 0.25 }} className={cn( "fixed text-neutral-700 p-[10px] z-[10000000000] h-[65px] backdrop-blur top-10 left-0 right-0 mx-auto overflow-hidden rounded-lg flex items-center justify-between pr-6" )} style={{ width: navbarWidth, }} > <motion.div animate={{ height: 50, }} className="bg-black rounded-lg max-w-[50px] min-w-[50px] flex items-center justify-center" > <div className="h-4 rounded w-4 bg-white rotate-45" /> </motion.div> <div className="mr-10" /> <AnimatePresence> {(height >= 0 || !isHidden) && ( <motion.ul className="flex items-center gap-10"> { => ( < key={route} className="text-white text-xl cursor-pointer" initial={{ opacity: 0 }} animate={{ opacity: 1 }} style={{ opacity: routesOpacity, }} > {route} </> ))} </motion.ul> )} </AnimatePresence> </motion.nav> <h1 className="font-semibold text-xl"> The navbar is up. Hover or scroll to reveal </h1> </div> ); }; export default Reveal;
Built by Bossadi Zenith