Birthdays are things we can't live without. Display all birthdays of friends
It will create a new file birthday.tsx inside the components/cards/birthday.tsx directory.
mkdir -p components/cards && touch components/cards/birthday.tsx
.bar { overflow-x: auto; /* Allows horizontal scrolling */ scrollbar-width: thin; /* For Firefox, makes the scrollbar thinner */ scrollbar-color: transparent transparent; /* For Firefox, custom scrollbar colors */ } /* For WebKit browsers (Chrome, Safari, Edge) */ .bar::-webkit-scrollbar { height: 8px; /* Adjust scrollbar height for horizontal scrolling */ } .bar::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: transparent; /* The track is transparent */ } .bar::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { @apply bg-primary; /* The scrollbar thumb color (more visible) */ border-radius: 10px; /* Rounds the edges of the scrollbar */ border: 2px solid transparent; }
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
"use client"; import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { AnimatePresence, motion } from "framer-motion"; import { Grip, Plus, X } from "lucide-react"; interface Birthday { name: string; image: string; dateOfBirth: string; } const months = [ { id: 1, name: "Jan", items: [ { name: "Alice", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1990-01-15", }, { name: "Bob", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1988-01-24", }, { name: "Charlie", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1992-01-10", }, ], }, { id: 2, name: "Feb", items: [ { name: "David", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1991-02-05", }, ], }, { id: 3, name: "Mar", items: [ { name: "Eva", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1993-03-20", }, { name: "Frank", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1989-03-15", }, { name: "Grace", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1995-03-30", }, { name: "Hannah", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1994-03-22", }, ], }, { id: 4, name: "Apr", items: [ { name: "Ivy", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1992-04-11", }, { name: "Jack", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1987-04-05", }, ], }, { id: 5, name: "May", items: [ { name: "Liam", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1990-05-03", }, { name: "Mia", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1992-05-15", }, { name: "Noah", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1985-05-25", }, ], }, { id: 6, name: "Jun", items: [ { name: "Olivia", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1991-06-09", }, ], }, { id: 7, name: "Jul", items: [ { name: "Penny", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1989-07-20", }, { name: "Quinn", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1993-07-04", }, { name: "Riley", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1988-07-11", }, { name: "Sophia", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1992-07-15", }, { name: "Toby", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1994-07-29", }, ], }, { id: 8, name: "Aug", items: [ { name: "Uma", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1995-08-02", }, { name: "Violet", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1993-08-21", }, ], }, { id: 9, name: "Sep", items: [ { name: "Will", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1987-09-19", }, { name: "Xander", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1991-09-14", }, ], }, { id: 10, name: "Oct", items: [ { name: "Zoe", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1985-10-03", }, { name: "Aaron", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1990-10-16", }, { name: "Bella", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1992-10-22", }, { name: "Cody", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1994-10-30", }, ], }, { id: 11, name: "Nov", items: [ { name: "Yara", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1992-11-12", }, ], }, { id: 12, name: "Dec", items: [ { name: "Diana", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1991-12-05", }, { name: "Ethan", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1989-12-15", }, { name: "Fiona", image: "", dateOfBirth: "1992-12-25", }, ], }, ]; const getCurrentMonth = () => { const date = new Date(); return date.getMonth(); // 0 = January, 1 = February, ..., 11 = December }; const transition = { type: "spring", bounce: 0, duration: 0.4 }; const Month = ({ month, index, }: { month: (typeof months)[number]; index: number; }) => { const firstThree = month.items.slice(0, 3); const remainingBirthdays = month.items.length - firstThree.length; const currentMonthIndex = getCurrentMonth() === index; return ( <motion.div layoutId={`month-${}`} key={} className="flex flex-col gap-2" > <p className="flex items-center gap-2"> {currentMonthIndex && ( <span className="size-2 rounded-full bg-red-500" /> )} <span className="uppercase text-muted-foreground text-sm font-medium"> {} </span> </p> <div className="flex"> {, index) => ( <div key={index} style={{ width: 40, height: 40, }} className="size-10 center rounded-full text-muted-foreground -ml-2 font-bold text-sm" > <img src={item.image} alt={} className="rounded-full size-10" /> </div> ))} {remainingBirthdays > 0 && ( <div className="size-10 center rounded-full text-muted-foreground -ml-2 dark:bg-neutral-300 bg-neutral-800 font-bold text-sm"> <span> <Plus className="size-4" /> </span>{" "} {remainingBirthdays} </div> )} </div> </motion.div> ); }; interface HeaderProps { isOpen: boolean; onOpen: () => void; } const Header = ({ isOpen, onOpen }: HeaderProps) => { const toggleMenu = () => { onOpen(); }; const variants = { initial: { opacity: 0, y: -10, }, enter: { opacity: 1, y: 0, }, exit: { opacity: 0, y: -10, }, }; return ( <div className="flex items-center justify-between p-4"> <motion.p className="text-3xl font-semibold"> <AnimatePresence mode="wait"> {isOpen ? ( <motion.span key="2025" // Unique key for "2025" variants={variants} initial="initial" animate="enter" exit="exit" transition={{ duration: 0.3, // You can adjust the timing }} > 2025 </motion.span> ) : ( <motion.span key="Birthday" // Unique key for "Birthday" variants={variants} initial="initial" animate="enter" exit="exit" transition={{ duration: 0.3, }} > Birthday </motion.span> )} </AnimatePresence> </motion.p> <button className="size-12 p-2 center gap-2 cursor-pointer bg-primary text-primary-foreground rounded-full flex-col" onClick={toggleMenu} > {Array.from({ length: 2 }).map((_, index) => { const rotateAngle = index % 2 === 0 ? 45 : -45; const changeY = index % 2 === 0 ? 5.5 : -5.5; return ( <motion.span key={index} animate={{ rotate: isOpen ? rotateAngle : 0, y: isOpen ? changeY : 0, }} className="w-8 !h-[3px] bg-primary-foreground" /> ); })} </button> </div> ); }; const Birthday = () => { const [status, setStatus] = useState<string>("idle"); const isOpen = status === "open"; const [selected, setSelected] = useState<null | Birthday>(null); const [upcomingBirthdays, setUpcomingBirthdays] = useState<Birthday[]>([]); useEffect(() => { const monthIndex = getCurrentMonth(); // Get current month index setUpcomingBirthdays(months[monthIndex].items); // Set items for current month }, []); const calculateAge = (dateOfBirth: string): number => { if (!dateOfBirth) return 0; // Handle empty dateOfBirth const birthDate = new Date(dateOfBirth); if (isNaN(birthDate.getTime())) return 0; // Check if the date is valid const today = new Date(); let age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear(); const monthDifference = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth(); // Adjust age if the birthday hasn't occurred yet this year if ( monthDifference < 0 || (monthDifference === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate()) ) { age--; } return age; }; const getRemainingDays = (dateOfBirth: string): number => { if (!dateOfBirth) return -1; // Handle empty dateOfBirth const today = new Date(); const birthDateThisYear = new Date( today.getFullYear(), new Date(dateOfBirth).getMonth(), new Date(dateOfBirth).getDate() ); // If the birthday has already occurred this year, calculate for next year if (birthDateThisYear < today) { birthDateThisYear.setFullYear(today.getFullYear() + 1); } // Calculate the difference in time const differenceInTime = birthDateThisYear.getTime() - today.getTime(); if (differenceInTime < 0) return -1; // Handle any negative difference // Convert time difference to days return Math.ceil(differenceInTime / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); }; const formatDate = (dateOfBirth: string): string => { const date = new Date(dateOfBirth); const options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = { month: "long", // 'long' gives full month name day: "numeric", // numeric gives the day without leading zeros }; return date.toLocaleDateString("en-US", options); }; return ( <div className="h-full w-full center bg-primary"> <AnimatePresence> {isOpen ? ( <motion.div className="p-4 bg-primary text-primary-foreground" layoutId="wrapper" style={{ borderRadius: 22, height: 430, width: 500 }} > <Header isOpen={isOpen} onOpen={() => setStatus("idle")} /> <motion.div layoutId="birthdays-container" className="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4 overflow-x-clip bar px-4" > {, index) => ( <Month key={} month={month} index={index} /> ))} </motion.div> </motion.div> ) : ( <motion.div layoutId="wrapper" className="p-4 bg-primary text-primary-foreground flex flex-col gap-5" style={{ borderRadius: 22, width: 500, height: 510 }} > <Header isOpen={isOpen} onOpen={() => setStatus("open")} /> <div className="relative"> <motion.div layoutId="birthdays-container" className="flex overflow-x-scroll bar gap-4 px-4" > {, index) => ( <Month key={} month={month} index={index} /> ))} </motion.div> <div className="h-full w-10 bg-gradient-to-r from-primary to-transparent absolute top-0 left-0" /> <div className="h-full w-10 bg-gradient-to-l from-primary to-transparent absolute top-0 right-0" /> </div> <div className="flex-1 flex flex-col gap-5 relative"> <p className="uppercase text-xs">Upcoming</p> <div className="flex flex-col gap-2"> <AnimatePresence> {, index) => ( <motion.div className="hover:bg-neutral-800/80 dark:bg-neutral-200 bg-neutral-800 p-2 rounded-xl flex gap-2 cursor-pointer hover:dark:bg-neutral-300/80 text-primary-foreground" key={index} initial={{ opacity: 0, y: 20 }} animate={{ opacity: 1, y: 0 }} exit={{ opacity: 0, y: 20 }} transition={{ delay: (3 - index) * 0.06 }} // for it to have the reversed staggering layoutId={`birthday-${}`} onClick={() => setSelected(birthday)} > <motion.div layoutId={`profile-${}`} className="size-10 rounded-full min-w-10" > <img src={birthday.image} alt={} className="rounded-full w-10 h-10" /> </motion.div> <motion.div className="flex justify-between items-center flex-1"> <p className="flex flex-col"> <motion.span layoutId={`profile-name-${}`} > {} </motion.span> <motion.span layoutId={`profile-dob-${}`} className="text-xs" > {formatDate(birthday.dateOfBirth)} </motion.span> </p> <motion.p layoutId={`profile-age-${}`}> {calculateAge(birthday.dateOfBirth)}y </motion.p> </motion.div> </motion.div> ))} </AnimatePresence> </div> <AnimatePresence> {selected !== null && ( <motion.div layoutId={`birthday-${}`} className="absolute -left-4 h-[calc(100%_+16px)] w-[calc(100%_+32px)] rounded-[22px] p-4 center flex-col gap-5 text-primary-foreground dark:bg-neutral-200 bg-neutral-800" > <motion.button layout onClick={() => setSelected(null)} initial={{ opacity: 0, x: -20, y: 10 }} animate={{ opacity: 1, x: 0, y: 0 }} exit={{ opacity: 0, x: -20, y: 10 }} transition={{ ...transition, delay: 0.15 }} whileTap={{ scale: 0.9, transition: { ...transition, duration: 0.2 }, }} className="size-8 absolute top-5 right-5" > <X className="size-6 text-tight text-primary-foreground" /> </motion.button> <div className="gap-2 center flex-col"> <motion.div layoutId={`profile-${}`} className="size-20 rounded-full min-w-10" > <img src={selected.image} alt={} className="rounded-full size-full" /> </motion.div> <motion.div layoutId={`profile-info-${}`} className="flex flex-col gap-2 flex-1" > <p className="flex flex-col text-center"> <motion.span layoutId={`profile-name-${}`} className="font-semibold text-2xl" > {} </motion.span> <motion.span layoutId={`profile-dob-${}`} className="text-base" > {formatDate(selected.dateOfBirth)} .{" "} <motion.span className="text-xs"> {getRemainingDays(selected.dateOfBirth)} days </motion.span> </motion.span> </p> <motion.p layoutId={`profile-age-${}`} className="text-2xl font-semibold" > {calculateAge(selected.dateOfBirth)}years old </motion.p> </motion.div> </div> </motion.div> )} </AnimatePresence> </div> </motion.div> )} </AnimatePresence> </div> ); }; export default Birthday;
Built by Bossadi Zenith