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Mode toggle

Mode toogle button with smooth sliding animations


ModeToggle is a React component that allows users to toggle between light and dark themes for a web application. It utilizes Framer Motion for animations, next-themes for theme management, and custom hooks to handle mounting state.


  • Theme Toggle: Switches between light and dark themes.
  • Smooth Animation: Utilizes Framer Motion for animated transitions between themes.
  • Responsive: Button adapts to the current theme with smooth visual transitions and updates the button's background and indicator accordingly.


  • framer-motion: For handling animations.
  • next-themes: To manage the theme switching between light and dark.
  • useMounted: A custom hook to detect whether the component has been mounted.


Make sure to install the necessary dependencies:

Here's the documentation for the ModeToggle component in markdown format:

npm install framer-motion next-themes
"use client";
import { useMounted } from "@/hooks/use-mounted";
import { AnimatePresence, MotionConfig, motion } from "framer-motion";
import { useTheme } from "next-themes";
const ModeToggle = () => {
  const mounted = useMounted();
  const { setTheme, theme } = useTheme();
  const toggleTheme = () => {
    if (theme === "light") {
  if (!mounted) return;
  return (
    <div className="size-full rounded-[14px] flex items-center justify-center">
          duration: 0.4,
          type: "tween",
          ease: "easeInOut",
        <AnimatePresence initial={false}>
            className={`relative isolate flex  items-center rounded-full p-2 border ${
              theme === "light" ? "justify-end" : "justify-start"
              height: 100,
              width: 200,
              backgroundColor: theme === "light" ? "#ffffff" : "#272727",
              className="absolute left-0 -z-10 flex w-full justify-between text-xl font-medium tracking-[0.0475rem]"
              animate={{ color: theme === "light" ? "#797979" : "#A2A2A2" }}
              <span className="flex w-full justify-center">light</span>
              <span className="flex w-full justify-center">dark</span>
              className="flex aspect-square h-full rounded-full border-2 p-2 shadow-[0px_12px_43px_0px_rgba(0,0,0,0.70)]"
                backgroundColor: theme === "light" ? "#ffffff" : "#363636",
                borderColor: theme === "light" ? "#D8D8D8" : "#535353",
                className="h-full w-full rounded-full"
                  color: theme === "light" ? "#D6D6D6" : "#464646",
                    theme === "light"
                      ? "2px 80px 72.5px -31px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset, 0px 4px 13.4px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.43)"
                      : "2px 80px 72.5px -31px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.49) inset, 0px 4px 13.4px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.43)",
export default ModeToggle;


import ModeToggle from "@/components/ModeToggle";
function App() {
  return (
      <ModeToggle />

Place the <ModeToggle /> component where you want the theme toggle button to appear.

Code Breakdown

1. Imports

  • useMounted: A custom hook that ensures the component only renders once the client-side environment is mounted (solving issues with SSR).
  • AnimatePresence and MotionConfig from Framer Motion: Used to handle transitions and animations of the button.
  • useTheme from next-themes: Provides access to the current theme (light or dark) and a method to set the theme.

2. State Management

The component uses the useTheme hook from next-themes to access the current theme and update it. The setTheme function is used to toggle between light and dark modes based on the current state.

3. Theme Toggle Button

The button changes its alignment, background color, and other styles based on the current theme:

  • Background Color: Light theme has a white background, while dark theme has a dark background.
  • Button Positioning: The position of the "slider" inside the button changes based on the active theme.
  • Text: The words "light" and "dark" are animated to adjust their colors when the theme changes.

4. Animations

The component uses motion.button and motion.div elements to animate the theme switch:

  • Button Animation: The background color transitions smoothly based on the current theme.
  • Slider Animation: A circular slider moves between the left (light mode) and right (dark mode).
  • Text and Shadow Effects: The text and shadow effects are adjusted to reflect the active theme.

5. Mounted Check

To avoid errors on the server-side rendering (SSR), the component first checks if it is mounted on the client side using the mounted state from the useMounted hook. If it is not mounted, the component will not render anything.

6. Motion Transitions

The button and the sliding circle have smooth transitions and effects defined using MotionConfig and AnimatePresence, such as:

  • Duration and Ease: The transition duration is set to 0.4s with an "easeInOut" easing.
  • Initial State: The component uses initial={false} for AnimatePresence to prevent the animation from running when first mounted.


mountedbooleanfalseEnsures the component is mounted before rendering.
theme'light' | 'dark''light'The current theme (light or dark). Controls the button's appearance.
setThemefunctionN/AFunction to update the theme (light or dark).


This component uses Tailwind CSS classes for styling, including:

  • rounded-[14px]: Applies rounded corners to the outer button container.
  • justify-end and justify-start: These classes position the inner circle slider depending on the active theme.
  • Various other Tailwind classes for padding, borders, and positioning.


Built by Bossadi Zenith